Musings of the day that may not amuse and possibly confuse the average reader. Adult education is a bit difficult online, but I promise to be honest.
Building better relationships come without toxicity means not diagnosing evil in others. According to today's popular opinion, there is an overwhelming increase in narcissism present in society. Increased also is this new ability to diagnose without any real adult education. Most unprofessional are these self-made doctors, that they are unable to see their own propensity towards such unpleasant characteristics.
Or perhaps they are really just vices we have accepted as part of our identity. Mental illness management does not include recreational drug or alcohol use. Or does it?
What ways are there to negotiate with crazy people or ideas? I share with you my brilliant experiences of both success and a plentiful amount of failures in the arena of nut boxing. Another moment of adult education for building better relationships.
Where do you end and I begin? Surprisingly boundaries are the invisible walls we alone hold up. How strong do they have to be, and do you even know how willing you are to let the drawbridge down.